
Pure Leaf

The No Grants



From social stigma to losing out on pay and promotions, 2 in 3 women report experiencing negative outcomes when they say “no” at work. Pure Leaf, the iced tea brand that says no to artificial ingredients and sweeteners, believes “no” shouldn’t come with consequences. To help women say “no” without a cost, Pure Leaf Tea decided to pay for it. By the end of 2022, 100 women received “No” Grants, and Pure Leaf has committed $1M over the next three years to expand the program.

We partnered with Olympian Allyson Felix, who has visibly pushed back on powerful interests in her career.

Year two, we partnered with journalist and TV host Elaine Wetteroth, a new mom.


the campaign struck a nerve

+10% in top-of-mind awareness of Pure Leaf in Q1 2022
+38% in people who said Pure Leaf would be their first choice in iced teas in Q1 2022 as compared to Q1 2021
+11.7% buy rate among households who purchase Pure Leaf in Q1 2022 as compared to Q1 2021